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Monday, April 4, 2016
Susan River Fire Protection District
705-145 Hwy 395, Johnstonville, California

The LCFSC Diamond Mountain Initiative meeting was called to order at 5:51 pm on April 4, 2016 at the Susan River Fire Protection District Office, 705-145 Hwy 395, Johnstonville, California.  Attendees were Steve Anderson, Dave Junette, Hugh Parker, Mark Shaffer, Don Hansen, Kelly Holt, Matt Boisseau, Kristy Hoffman, Carol Keefer, Bob Andrews, Hannah Tangeman, Scott Rosikewicz, Tony Shaw, Lloyd Keefer, Lorraine Forester-Hansen, Tom Esgate, and Cathy Dirden.

  1. Welcome and Introductions – LCFSC Managing Director Tom Esgate opened the meeting, welcomed all and asked for introductions.  
  2. Western WUI Grant Application Update – No new update.
  3. National Forest Foundation Capacity Grant Update – Tom stated LCFS was awarded $24,000 grant running for 18 months.  Funds cannot be used for treatments or anything related to Forest Service; it can be used for private land.  The funds will be used for clearances, landowner sign-ups, press releases, etc.    
  4. SNC DM USFS NEPA process/pre grant activities – Tom stated the SNC Grant Agreement was signed on March 9, 2016.  We are currently working with the Forest Service on a cooperative agreement. A draft was presented as if LCFSC was the Grantee instead of the Grantor; we are working with Bobette, who is on vacation this week. We will continue to work on the agreement when Bobette returns.  
  5. SNC DM Implementation/Discussion on Application Submittal – Tom stated we have not received approval yet. He has been providing additional information to SNC as requested.  Kristi stated SNC completed the eligibility review; scoring and evaluation will be next.  The official award date will be June 2nd but the agenda will be published a couple weeks before.  Tom doesn’t expect another site visit since SNC was there earlier.
  6. SRA Grant Application – Tom stated approval was received for the SRA grant for just under $100,000 which will be used for hand crew work.  The next step is finalizing the grant agreement within a month or so.  Once in place work will begin on clearance.  The Grant Procedure Manual states if not a state agency, Cal Fire will be the Lead Agency.  Scott expects it will be Cal Fire but will check.  Per the Manual, a Forester could be used working on their behalf for oversite; we can do the biological, botanical, and wildlife work.  Tom stated it was done before on a previous DM project. There is no rush since we don’t have the agreement yet.
  7. CFSC Diamond Mountain Grant – Tom feels optimistic about SNC and the WUI; if we want to begin initial forays into the landowner sign-ups.  If awarded, the SNC will be entirely on Beaty property and that may allow us to put money into other parcels like Hannah’s.  Hannah stated Phil Nemir and Tim Keesey were working on an application for her property although she is still very interested.  Tom stated she could begin thinking about what she’d like done.  Tom and Hannah will discuss later.  Hannah stated there are a lot of opportunities with other landowners across the face of DM.  Tom stated the Roadway treatments will be done with SRA funds for hand work.
  8. Mapping needs – Karl Todd was not available
  9. Treatment Funding Discussion – Green House Gas – Scott stated he heard that future SRA funds would be one giant program, but that may have changed.  Tom stated with the GHG we have up to a year to complete CEQA clearance.  He stated for a single homeowner to go after a GHG grant would take a lot, whereas large property owners like Beaty and SPI it isn’t as difficult since they have their experts.  They could have a project without a THP since the type of work being done for our GHG projects are biomass, which would qualify for Categorical Exemptions.  Discussion re different types of clearances.
  10. Other – Tom stated there is another CFSC grant round due April 22nd.  The Board decided not to go for another for DM since we haven’t started yet on the one we have; and we have other opportunities.  Tom brought Kelly Holt up to date with possible contractor timeframes.  Tom expects there to be work the later part of the year reaching into next year and beyond.
    Mart Shaffer/HLP – Mark stated the State is offering 50 megawatts in auction statewide for any material that comes off high hazard zones.  He stated whoever bids on the megawatts will have a certain percentage of the material used to produce the watts must come from the high hazard zones.  The map will stay the same for 5 years but will be adjusted after that.  This will give the power plants opportunities to bid on some mega wattage.  Matt explained the Good Neighbor Authority which allows State Agencies to do the NEPA, planning and activity with the FS signature.  
  11. Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for May 2, 2016 at 5:30 pm. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.