Free Hazardous Tree Removal
FREE Hazardous Tree Removal Opportunity for property owners in the Janesville/Milford area.
This is a great free opportunity for property owners to make their homes and structures safer!

The Lassen Fire Safe Council in cooperation with Cal Fire is seeking Janesville and Milford landowners in need of dead or dying tree removal around homes and structures. “Funding for this project provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as part of the California Climate Investments Program”.
We are particularly trying to hunt down the Ips Engraver beetle infestations. Some signs that the Ips engraver beetle is in your tree is a fading or dead top and blue staining on recently cut wood. You will often find red pitch tubes on the base of the tree from Red Turpentine beetle infestations that are often paired with the Ips engraver beetle damage. We can also remove trees that are around homes that were burned in the Dixie fire if they can damage a home or structure.
For this grant, there must be a house, barn, outbuilding that is impacted.
Interested Landowners should apply using the Landowner Sign up Form with all of the information noted on the website form to be considered for this grant project. Be sure to mark Hazard Tree Removal on sign up form.
Read more about Bark Beetles in California Conifers.
“Thompson Peak WUI Fuel Treatments is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing GHG emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment– particularly in disadvantaged communities. The Cap-and-Trade program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution. California Climate Investments projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling, and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are located within and benefiting residents of disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households across California. For more information, visit the California Climate Investments website at:”
Project Area Map