Lassen County and Northeastern California Landscape Plant Guide

The Lassen County Fire Safe Council, Inc., a local non-profit corporation, is charged with the education of residents in Lassen County by providing information regarding decisions that can be made by you on how and/or what you can do to improve your survivability should a wildfire threaten your home and/or property. With this in mind, we present to you this “Lassen County and Northeastern California Landscape Plant Guide (20mb)”. This book was developed by the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Office and adapted by permission by the Lassen County Fire Safe Council, Inc. for our region in order to assist you in making informed decisions on the type of plant materials recommended should you decide to undertake outdoor improvements to your home and property’s appearance as well as to improve your survivability in the event of a wildfire.
“Lassen County and Northeastern California Landscape Plant Guide (20mb)”