LFSC Community Fund
Community Fund Recipients
Lassen Fire Safe Council, Inc. is very pleased to announce the initial LFSC Community Fund recipients. The establishment of an ongoing LFSC Community Fund, utilizing a portion of the PG&E Dixie Fire Settlement monies, has been a goal of the Board. Our first priority this year will be to provide financial assistance to volunteer fire departments serving Lassen County, ensuring a bit more stability to these vital departments, and to support our Firewise communities as they prepare for their Wildfire Community Preparedness Day events on first Saturday in May. The checks and VISA Gift Cards will be issued over the next couple of weeks to each group. These awardees are all essential partners in keeping communities safer from the devastating effects of wildfires and we thank them for their countless volunteer hours and efforts. LFSC hopes to continue this program into the future and will be evaluating the effectiveness of the funding in its decision-making for future rounds of funding.